Retinal Detachment

‘My preferred focus as a doctor is to help maintain patients' quality of life. Combining the complexity of the eye as an organ and the technical demands of ophthalmic and especially retinal surgery, my choice of specialism was an easy one. The satisfaction I derive from saving or restoring sight, and enabling patients to retain their independence, is what makes my work so rewarding’.

 Mr Kim Son Lett

Mr. Son Lett qualified from St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London, after which he underwent extensive UK training in general ophthalmology. He undertook higher specialist training in the East Midlands, obtaining the Certificate of Completion of Training and entering the GMC Specialist Register for Ophthalmology, before going on to further subspecialist training in vitreo-retinal surgery at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham.

He has been a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Birmingham & Midland Eye Centre (BMEC), the second largest eye unit in the UK, since 2011.

He has previously been the Director of the Acute Eye Service and is currently Director of both Vitreo-Retinal (VR) and Cataract Services there. Mr. Lett regularly receives tertiary referrals from other VR surgeons for second opinions and to undertake highly complex surgery. He performs regular work as an ophthalmology advisor to the Public Health Service Ombudsman which aims to resolve disputed cases.

Mr. Lett has been an invited speaker at national and international conferences and sits on the teaching faculty of numerous training courses. He also gives frequent educational seminars to local GPs and optometrists.

He has a keen interest in postgraduate ophthalmic education and has to date trained over 20 senior fellows, UK and international, all of whom are now practicing VR consultants themselves both in the UK and overseas. Additionally he supervises trainees from the West Midlands School of Ophthalmology.

Mr. Lett strives to provide a friendly, tailored approach to patient care with clear explanations and full involvement of the patient in decision making.